Jobs in Uganda : Current Jobs in Uganda 2024, New Vacancies & Career Opportunities

Here is the updated list latest job offers in Uganda.

You're currently browsing: Full-time I Hospitality

Baker / Cake Artist Cheeks N’ Chunks Restaurant Kampala, Uganda Full-time May, 05
Hotel IT Manager Sokoni Africa Limited Kampala, Uganda Full-time May, 02
Head Chef Ndere Echifuuha Resort Kampala, Uganda Full-time Apr, 30
Front Office Receptionist K Hotels Entebbe Kampala, Uganda Full-time Apr, 30
Food and Beverage (F&B) Manager K Hotels Entebbe Kampala, Uganda Full-time Apr, 30
Gym Instructor K Hotels Entebbe Kampala, Uganda Full-time Apr, 30
Nail Technician Mama Bridget's Hair & Nails Kampala, Uganda Full-time Apr, 24
Cooks Hakuna Matata Fun City Naluvule, Uganda Full-time Apr, 18
Inventory attendant Hakuna Matata Fun City Naluvule, Uganda Full-time Apr, 18
Waitresses Hakuna Matata Fun City Naluvule, Uganda Full-time Apr, 18
Hotel Sales Account Manager Sokoni Africa Limited Kampala, Uganda Full-time Apr, 14