Water Harvesting (Consultant)
Location | Kampala, Uganda |
Date Posted | December 5, 2024 |
Category |
Job Type |
Currency | UGX |
Reports to the Project Manager
1. Construct 60 water harvesting tanks of approximately 2000Litres each (with materials provided by the consultant) and use the opportunity to train Trainers of Trainers (ToT) farmers on the exercise;
2. Supervise ToTs when constructing additional 60 water harvesting tanks (materials will be provided by the host farmers/households);
3. Facilitate ToTs with transport and labour during the construction of 60 water harvesting (refresher training);
4. Provide key tools to the ToTs that are needed in the construction of water tanks to enable them effectively to scale out the construction within the communities.
Deliverable for the consultant:
The consultant will be required to provide the following:
1. A detailed training report summarizing the participation, feedback, and recommendations for future area of improvement;
2. Provide regular progress reports during the tank constructions and scaling plans for each ToT;
3. Final report summarizing the completed tank installations.
Applying Instructions
Consultancy Duration and Fee
• A total of USD 10,000 fixed package as the consultant fee for the entire duration of the assignment.
• Follow this link for more details: [link provided in the image]
• The link extracted from the image is: