Management Consultancy

at International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
Location Kampala, Uganda
Date Posted March 22, 2025
Category Consultancy
Job Type Contract
Currency UGX


Details of the tasks and the assignment are outlined below.
• Desk-based review
To inform the four tasks of the assignment, the Consultant will review and internalize the recent climate risk assessment for the KAZA and GVL undertaken by IISD and WWF, as well as other relevant literature, and understand the key current and projected climate and biodiversity risks and intersectional vulnerabilities that the two landscapes are facing. This is crucial to ensure that the advice given and the training delivered are relevant, targeted, and grounded in a solid understanding of the risks and impacts associated with climate change in each of the landscapes, not just on biodiversity but also on the communities who share these spaces and experience these impacts in distinct ways.

To support this element, IISD and WWF will organize a technical session to discuss the assessment findings and clarify the assignment, as well as share existing materials already collected.

Specifically, the Consultant will
1. thoroughly review IISD’s and WWF’s climate risk assessment report and climate risk profiles for the two landscapes;
2. review other relevant risk assessment reports and data available for the target landscapes, including those focusing on climate change, biodiversity, and gender equality and social inclusion (GESI); and

3. liaise with relevant CAPA technical experts in each landscape, including GESI officers, to gather insights and feedback to ensure that anticipated outputs consider the climate adaptation needs in each landscape.

Deliverables: Based on this review, the Consultant will develop outlines for the proposed support to the GMP process in the GVL, the proposed training, and the guidance document.
• Support the GMP development process for Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
Sections 6(1)(a) and 6(1)(f) of the of the Uganda Wildlife Act 2019 mandates the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) to “ensure the sustainable management of wildlife conservation areas” and “establish and implement management plans for wildlife conservation areas and for wildlife populations outside wildlife conservation areas,” respectively. The current GMP for Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (BINP) in southwestern Uganda expires in 2025 after a Board extension. As a result, the UWA has embarked on a process to develop a new one. An initial meeting of the steering committee has already been convened, and the process to develop a new GMP has been agreed, as follows.

1) Initiation meeting
2) Planning Team orientation
3) Field reconnaissance
4) Stakeholder consultations
5) Proposal generation
6) Drafting of the GMP
7) Presentation of the draft GMP to stakeholders
8) Costing the GMP proposals
9) Monitoring and evaluation framework
10) Presentation of the draft at the Senior Management Meeting
11) Presentation of the draft at the Top Management Meeting
12) Presentation of the draft to the Board of Trustees
13) Designing, printing, and dissemination

The Consultant will support the process by providing input in stages 2 through 9. This input should focus on integrating climate change considerations at each stage of the planning process to ensure that the new GMP is designed with adaptation in mind. The work of the Consultant is meant to enhance and support the efforts of the planning team, in fulfilment of the Board of Trustees’ desire to have external input in the development of key UWA documents.

Deliverables: A climate change gap analysis and input document for the drafting of the BINP GMP; participation in providing input at stages 2–9 of the GMP drafting process (in-person and virtually).
• Support the GMP development process for Rwenzori Mountains National Park
The GMP for Rwenzori Mountains National Park (RMNP) will expire in 2026. As such, the UWA will begin the process of reviewing and developing a new GMP in 2025. To support this process, the Consultant will undertake the end-of-term review of the 2016–2026 GMP, with a special focus on examining the climate change adaptation strategies adopted. Thereafter, they will participate in and support field reconnaissance, stakeholder consultations, and data analysis for the new 2027–2037 GMP. This will be done under the guidance of and in consultation with the UWA team.

Deliverables: An end-of-term review report of the 2016–2026 GMP for RMNP; a climate change, gender, and conflict gap analysis and input document for the GMP development process (this should include input from their participation in the field reconnaissance, stakeholder consultations, and data analysis); participation in the planning process and providing input at each stage of the drafting process to ensure the new GMP is designed with adaptation in mind.
• Design and co-deliver a training session for PA managers on how to integrate climate change considerations into PA management
A preliminary gap analysis of the existing PA management plans for targeted PAs in both the GVL and the KAZA showed limited integration of GESI and climate change considerations into these plans, yet research shows that PAs and the communities within and adjacent to them, especially in Africa, are at considerable risk from climate change.PA managers therefore must take action to increase the resilience of their parks, including by assessing and addressing their vulnerabilities to climate change and adopting adaptive management strategies to ensure their continued effectiveness.
The Consultant will undertake a capacity gap assessment for PA managers in KAZA and the GVL to determine what skills are currently available versus what skills and actions are needed to better integrate climate change adaptation into their work. The Consultant will then design and co-deliver a training program aimed at filling these gaps.

Activities and deliverables under this task will include the following:
1) Develop and submit a capacity gap assessment report and inception report outlining the identified capacity gaps and proposed training package to address the identified gaps. This should include, among other things, proposed modules and module outlines, delivery and facilitation formats, and practical activities.
2) Consult and coordinate with IISD, local partners, and PA managers to gather input and validate the proposed course content and methods of delivery to ensure that the training package developed is fit for purpose and that the proposed delivery formats are appropriate and will promote uptake.
3) Collaborate with IISD to create high-quality learning resources and course modules. The training package should include detailed module content: the learning objectives of the module; questions, skills, or capacity gaps that will be addressed by the module; module delivery and facilitation plans; practical activities to augment the content of the modules; list of required materials/stationery; and delivery duration and schedule, all tailored to PA managers. It should also include supplementary guides and resource packs with reference materials to ensure an easy understanding of the topic and for future reference.
4) Identify and solicit expert/peer reviews on the draft training course modules and resources developed.
5) Incorporate feedback and finalize the training package.
6) Co-deliver in-person training for both PA managers in KAZA and the GVL.
7) Use feedback and insights from the in-person training to fine-tune and submit the final training package to IISD.
• Co-develop a Guidance Document for PA managers on integrating climate change adaptation into PA planning and management
For the final deliverable, the Consultant will use the information gathered on the current and projected climate change impacts in both the KAZA and the GVL and the insights gathered during their participation in the GMP review and development process in the GVL and from the training of PA managers to co-develop with IISD a practical guide for PA managers on how to integrate climate change considerations into PA planning and management.

The document is meant to serve as a reference point for PA managers, in KAZA, the GVL, and beyond, who are tasked with managing PAs within a changing climate context. Recommendations and steps should be practical, feasible, and relevant. They must be rooted in scientific evidence and ecological knowledge and backed with proven examples. Tasks under this activity include the following:
1) Background research (including the research conducted for the above deliverables)
2) Preparation of an outline
3) Submission of a first draft for review (co-authored with IISD)
4) Revision of draft
5) Validation with stakeholders
6) Further revision
7) Finalization of the draft text
8) Inputs into design and roll-out

Required Qualifications and Expert Profile
- Master’s degree/preferably PhD in climate change, environmental science, PA management, or any other relevant field is required.
- At least 15 years of experience in the area of climate change, including conducting climate risk assessments and developing adaptation and mitigation strategies and plans.
- Experience in capacity development and designing and delivering training courses in the field of climate change and PA management will be considered an asset.
- Demonstrated experience with developing strategic plans, climate action plans, PA management plans, or other similar environmental or sustainability plans is desirable.
- Experience and knowledge around climate change and gender and social inclusion issues, especially for communities living in and around PAs.
- Experience working in KAZA and/or the GVL.
- A good understanding of the climate context in KAZA, the GVL, and PAs in a changing climate, as well as NbS for adaptation/ecosystem-based adaptation approaches.

Apart from the above qualifications and experience, the Consultant should have the following skills and competencies:
- Strong interpersonal skills in interacting with multiple stakeholders, like government, academia, and civil society organizations.
- Strong training and facilitation skills.
- Excellent English writing and analytical skills.

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