Invitation To Tender For Medical Insurance For Giz National Staff tender

at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Location Kampala, Uganda
Date Posted October 11, 2024
Category Health Care / Medical
Job Type Contract
Currency UGX


Name of Project: GIZ Country Office
1.0. Background
Zusammenarbell (GIZ) is the German federal company for technical cooperation and has been operating in Uganda since 1964 to promote sustainable development on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (DMZ). GIZ Uganda invites bids from competent and eligible firms to provide medical insurance services for its National Staff under Tender Reference No. 83471576.

Request for Bidding Tendering Documents and detailed terms of reference.
Interested and eligible bidders shall obtain detailed bidding/tendering documents in soft copy form only Kindly submit your request for detailed terms of reference/lender documents by email to Procurement. starting from the date of this publication in the newspapers by indicating in the subject lender reference number as "83471576: GIZ Medical Insurance for National Staff

Request for clarifications on bidding documents/specification/terms and condition of the tender.
All requests for clarifications related to this tendering process should be shared in writing and addressed to GIZ Uganda via email at least four days prior to the bid submission deadline date. Please indicate in the subject tender reference number as 83471576: GIZ Medical Insurance for National Staff

Bids/Offers Submission Deadline date and time Interested bidders should submit their bids/offers electronically by 31 October 2024 at 4.00pm (EAT) to UG indicating in the subject the lender reference number "83471576 as indicated in section 5.0 (g) below

Important information to Note
Indicate the tender reference number in the subject line of all your electronic communication.
Submissions received after the deadline will not be accepted.
• Only submissions sent to UG will be acceptable.
• Bids submitted with GIZ staff or other GIZ emails disqualify your offer automatically.
• Bids should only be submitted in PDF and ZIP folders to ensure compatibility with GIZ software. Do not encrypt your offers.
• Technical offer should be submitted separately from Financial Offer
• Two separate emails should be used one submitting "85471576 technical proposal offer and second email submitting "83471576 Financial Proposal Offer". Under each email start the subject with tender reference number as indicated in this section.
• Please use fie transfer link https:/ for submission of documents exceeding the default email size of 30 MB and submit passwords before bid submission deadline date indicated in section 4.0 above.
• All benefits offered should be submitted within your technical proposals not in Financial
• Proposal.
• Failure to follow any one of the instructions shall automatically disqualify your offer from this process.

GIZ reserves the right to cancel this process at any stage without informing the providers and without any obligation to refund the providers who will have participated in this tender process.

Disclaimer: GIZ DOES NOT charge any kind of FEE(s) at whichever stage of the sendering process

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