Invitation to Bid (ITB) for the Construction of Piped Water Systems in Lookorok and Lokinene Tender

at United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Location Karamoja, Uganda
Date Posted December 7, 2024
Category Construction
Job Type Contract
Currency UGX


Invitation to Bid (ITB)

Project Title

Construction of Piped Water Systems

  • Location: Lookorok in Kotido District and Lokinene in Kaboong District


UNDP Uganda is spearheading several resilience-building and socio-economic development projects in the Karamoja region. These projects aim to strengthen community-level water infrastructure to enhance resilience and improve livelihoods.

Key projects include:

  1. Building Resilience in Conflict-Affected and Fragile Communities of Karamoja (BRICK):
    • Jointly funded by UNDP and the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA).
    • Focus: Empower vulnerable households, promote peaceful co-existence, and implement gender-responsive livelihoods across three districts in Karamoja.
  2. Promoting Socio-Economic Development and Peace in the Borderlands (SEDPB):
    • Funded by UNDP Headquarters and supported by the Government of Denmark.
    • Implemented through the UNDP Africa Borderlands CentreUNDP Uganda, and UNDP Kenya.
    • Focus: Livestock management, climate-adaptive crop production, entrepreneurship, cross-border trade, and peacebuilding.
  3. IBSA Project:
    • Funded by South Africa Government.
    • Focus: Enhance women-led commercial farms and establish functional value chains for cereals, oilseeds, and legumes.

Scope of Work

UNDP seeks to engage qualified contractors for:

  • Lot 1: Construction of piped water systems in Lookorok in Kotido District.
  • Lot 2: Construction of piped water systems in Lokinene in Kaboong District.

Submission Details

Additional Notes

  • UNDP encourages applications from organizations led by womenyouth, and persons with disabilities.
  • UNDP has a zero-tolerance policy for fraud and corruption. No fees are charged at any stage of the procurement process.

For any additional information, refer to the contact details provided in the ITB link.

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