Enrolled Nurses (8)
Location | Agago, Uganda |
Date Posted | March 1, 2024 |
Category | Government Health Care / Medical |
Job Type | Full-time |
Currency | UGX |

Detailed information about these posts can be obtained from the Job Descriptions and Persons' Specifications for Jobs in Local Governments, 2011, 2017 and Job Descriptions and Persons' Specifications 2020 for health workers from the Public Service website www.publicservice.go.ug or www.psc.go.ug. or hsc.go.ug Agago District Service Commission is a CORRUPTION free government entity, hence any form of corruption shall lead to automatic disqualification of the applicants and or legal proceedings of those involved.
Applying Instructions
Applications are invited from suitably qualified Ugandans to fill the following vacant post that exists in Agago District Local Government. The application must be submitted to the
Secretary Agago District Service Commission
P.O. Box 1 Agago, preferably hand delivered.
Applications should be submitted in triplicate (Original in own handwriting) on Public Service Commission (PSC Form 3) Revised (2008) and ESC form 3(1998) for teaching service which is got from Public Service Commission or Education service commission offices respectively in Kampala or from District service commission offices country wide.
Applicants should attach to each of the 3 application forms a copy of certified photocopies of their academic transcripts, certificates and any other relevant documents, recent passport size photograph and National Identity Card.
Applications should bear the Title and Reference Number of the post applied for. Applicants who are serving Officers should route their applications through their Responsible Officer.