Agriculture Field Extension Officer/Agronomists (3)

at Kabarole Research and Resource Centre (KRC-Uganda)
Location Fort Portal, Uganda
Date Posted June 24, 2024
Category Agriculture
Job Type Contract
Currency UGX


Exact Job Location: Kasese (1), Kabarole (1), Ntoroko and Bundibugyo (1)

Job Summary:
The Agriculture Field Extension Officer/Agronomist will enhance the productivity and sustainability of vanilla farming by conducting needs assessments, mobilizing farmers into groups, and providing training in sustainable practices and land management. He/she will facilitate linkages between farmers and essential services, maintain Farmer Field and Business Schools, and organize exchange visits. Additionally, he/she will build community capacity, conduct weekly extension services, track farmer progress, and participate in agricultural activities at the sub-county and district levels.

Specific Job roles:
• Conduct needs assessments and design appropriate engagements to fill the identified gaps among the Vanilla Farmers and cooperatives
• Mobilize and profile Vanilla farmers into production and marketing groups
• Conduct trainings in land use planning and management for vanilla farmers
• Train Vanilla farmers in sustainable agricultural practices for increased production and productivity practices (Contour ploughing, terracing, mulching, cover cropping, Agro forestry)
• Conduct trainings in soil feeding technologies and practices (Compost, farm yard, green manure, liquid manure, plant teas)
• Conduct extension and demonstration trainings on management practices, pest and disease control using organic and integrated pest management
• Conduct trainings in post-harvest handling
• Facilitate linkages between organized farmers groups and Government extension workers and Government programmes
• Work with marketing officers to facilitate linkages of farmers to Insurance companies, Agro- input dealers, agricultural finance institutions and markets.
• Conduct trainings in storage, packaging and transportation
• Establish and maintain Farmer Field and Business Schools as demonstration sites for land preparation, planting, management of vanilla (fertilizer application, pruning, mulching, and pollination.), proper animal management, post-harvest handling, value addition and marketing.
• Organize exchange visits and study tours for farmers to learn from other farmers who have excelled in certain technologies or enterprises.
• Attend Sub- County and District level activities in Agriculture and cross cutting issues organized by the Production Department or other collaborating organizations.
• Any other role as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor

Duties at community level
• Builds capacity of the Community Process Facilitators and youth to gain skills for employment.
• Conducts weekly extension services for mentorship and coaching at framer and group level
• Identify and maintain existing Farmer Field and Business Schools
• Track progress of individual farmer gardens

• Complete and submit to the Project Manager the relevant weekly and monthly reports
• Make sure reports are accurate and complete.
• Observe, document and report any challenge encountered to the Project Manager.
• Report on the linkages and impacts to the groups

Team work and collaboration with other partners
• Work in close collaboration with the Community Process Facilitators and Agricultural extension workers in terms of identification of the beneficiaries.
• Propose solution to solve any problem faced and report them to the Project Manager.
• Participate actively to the weekly KRC-Uganda technical meetings.
• Ensure technical support to farmers and cooperatives.

• Comply with all relevant KRC-Uganda policies and procedures with respect to child safeguarding policy, Child Protection other relevant policies.
• Perform any other reasonable duty as may be assigned that is consistent with the nature of the job and level of responsibility.
• Focal person for the district activities

Qualifications, Skills and Experience
Qualification: Bachelor's degree in Agronomy, Agriculture Extension, or related field.

Essential Skills:
• Knowledge of agronomy, agro-ecology and PIP approaches.
• Experience in on-farm trainings and proven on farm demonstrative extension Skills
• Good report writing skills and speaking skills.
• Ability to communicate effectively in English both verbally and in writing;
• Ability to speak the local languages especially Runyooro Rutooro and/or Runyankole Rukiiga/Lhukonzo/ Lubwiisi/Lwamba
• Excellent written and oral communication skills.
• Demonstrate cultural sensitivity based in the selected districts
• Motorcycle Riding skills are preferable with a riding permit

• Minimum of 3 years in extension work or agronomy, preferably in Vanilla.

Applying Instructions

Applications should be addressed to the Human Resource Officer at Kabarole Research and Resource Centre-Uganda, Plot 28, Mugurusi Road, P.O Box, 782, Fort Portal, and must include the following:
• A complete, signed cover letter
• A resume
• Copies of academic documents
• A copy of National Identity Card
• Names,  email addresses, contact telephone numbers of three (03) professional referees

Applications should be sent either by  email to or hand delivered to KRC-Uganda head Office at Mugurusi Road Fort Portal Tourism City.

WARNING: Do not to pay any money to get a job. Please report fraudulent jobs to